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Awaken to Your Precious Life

You are infinitely free, unendingly magnificent, undeterred by fear, overflowing as love itself. Isn’t it amazing? This way of being is available to you right now in this very moment. You can be free of the problems that define you. You can live in peace, ease, and contentment with things as they are. But it won’t happen unless you are ready to be conscious in your life. Consider these life lessons, and put them into practice. Then you can’t help but live the fullest expression of your natural, shining, inherently lovely self. Orient your whole life toward what you love.…

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12 Short Poems for A Great Life

Follow your Heart "Take time each day to laugh and to play, Be thoughtful in all of the words that you say. Please follow your heart as you go on your way, Then you will find pleasure in every day." Live life fully "We are all only dancing on this earth a short time, So be sure to dance with a happy song in your mind. Dance loudly, dance strongly to the heavens above, But most of all, dance with your heart full of love." On laughter "Don't lose the ability to laugh and to play, Learn to laugh like…

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Take A Leap For Your Passion

In today's world, so many people wake up to an alarm clock, less than thrilled to step out of bed and into the shower to prepare for a full day of work. After they brush their teeth and pour a cup of coffee to take with them on their morning commute, they ponder how many other things they could be doing over the next 10 hours that would be so much more productive than what they're about to actually do. But it doesn't have to be this way. What so many people don't realize is that you don't have to…

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7 Paths to the Life of Your Dreams

Be your authentic self. Be true to yourself always. Don't worry what other people will think. March to the beat of your own unique drum and do the things that make you happy. Magical things happen when you're following your passions, the things that you really love in life. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Always seek to be around people who amplify your energy. After interacting with them, you'll feel uplifted and excited about life. Look for this reaction when considering friends, coaches, business partners, mentors, clients, Mastermind Group members, etc. Practice blissful thinking. Dream the biggest dream…

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The Spark That Lives In You!

There is a spark of vitality that lives in you. This spark is a miracle that only you can bring to life. It is your gift, your purpose, your passion...your presence. You must nurture this spark, and allow it to grow. Be curious, compassionate, courageous and committed as you discover what this is in you. Because it is unique to you and only you, I cannot tell you with certainty how you'll find it or know it. I just know that you must. When you find it, and I trust that you will, if you haven't already, the next step…

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What Matters Most (Poem)

There’s no right answer, to what matters most. The heart of each of us holds a special choice. What matters is living fully, in every possible way. Live like you mean it, like there is no next day. The answer lies within, deep inside your soul. Find those secret places, take a flashlight when you go. Shine down upon them, get still and really see. You will feel a spark inside, that fills you and helps you be. Play and dance and paint it out, until you light a fire. Raging brilliant flames, for your true heart's desire. Allow what…

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Insights from a Baby Boomer

As a female baby boomer, I am proud that my generation of women has made many forward strides with women’s rights and workplace equity, but there’s still so much that needs to be done. Gen Y Women – your combination of a clean slate, fresh insight on technology, and family values has the potential to change the world. It’s up to your generation now! To help you with this, I’m giving you a gift of the wisdom I’ve learned. Take Charge of Your Life Today. Do you really know what you value, what your important roles are, and what YOUR PASSION…

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Living Brilliantly From Within

You better get ready to change lives for the better! That's what I live for. This life is not for the passion-less but for the passionate. You can't afford to live like you have nothing to lose. And until you completely live free of what can be lost, you will never soar beyond who you are now. You must be completely willing to lose. Your Destiny gains power with each moment of deep inner belief. This life is what's really at leave nothing for the grave yard because it's not worthy of the dreams you carry within. All that has been poured into me…

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Let Music Illuminate Your Life

Music is one of God's greatest gifts to humanity - it transcends all of the arts, delivers crystal clarity, touches every chakra and can make you scream for joy or cry a thousand emotions away in one passage. Better yet, the universal power of music can be applied to the way we communicate, work, play and most importantly, the way in which we really listen to one another. Furthermore, the core elements of music can literally create alignment and harmony in our everyday lives! Why should we expect anything less from the world's undisputed international language? From the moment we…

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Today’s Brilliance from Marla Martenson

In our society today most people are going to a job that they hate. They put in the obligatory 40 hours per week, do the daily grind, singing the "Thank God It's Friday" song and "Oh no not another Monday morning." Many people wake up one day to realize that life has passed them by while they were at work feeling miserable. It doesn't have to be this way. Don't bury your dreams and passion in exchange for a paycheck. Unleash your creativity! Wake up to new possibilities! I am inviting you to take a new approach and unlock your…

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Live Your Truth and Change the World

Live your truth and change the world. Life is a journey in each and every form. It’s a journey to find yourself and live your truth. You find yourself through growing, learning, educating yourself, and most importantly, giving all of yourself to the world. Your truth is how you express the perception of the world you hold inside. Help others and share your gifts. Everyone has something to give, to contribute, to make an impact, and make a difference in the world. When you give enough, you will receive everything you need to live a life of happiness, abundance, and…

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