Shine Your Light
I am seeing an alarming trend of people walking through their life anesthetized. Numb. They whittle away their limited hours and days watching others live instead of consciously living their own life. They conveniently view others through the lens of a television screen, computer screen, or even a cell phone. With the push of a button, they fall into a trance of being a voyeur in the life of another and justify this as living. I want to shake them, "Wake up! Do you know how many people are waiting for YOU to fully show up in your life? You…
Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light
Today’s Brilliance from Richard Singer
At the foundation of my life lies my aspiration to be the best human being that I can possibly be. Personally, this aspiration consists of a strong foundation based on eight core beliefs or principles that I utilize as guidelines for the "How" and "Why" I live. Without these guideposts in my life my daily existence lacks meaning and can easily become chaotic and filled with the egotistical selfishness that screams for attention within me. To develop and begin to live according to your core beliefs is an essential task of a successful and meaningful life. I will present my…
Today’s Brilliance from Evelyn Brooks 1
No matter what the weather is, you can create your own personalized forecast each morning, by deciding whether your outlook for the day will be gloomy or sunny. Situations in your life that are discouraging or hard to handle will be much easier when you have a positive outlook that you will always be okay inside no matter what the specific outcomes are. Do your best and let go of the rest. You will be able to achieve a center core of serenity that is unshakable. Solutions will come to you when you open your heart and mind to the…
Overcoming Fear
Being Fearless Begins Here
If I were to leave a single message to the world, it would be quite simple: Your life, with all of its unique experiences on this earth, is part of a much greater story. Yes, we can create, manifest pretty much what we will, but we are first and foremost creations ourselves, a vital convergence of celestial and earthly forces that are ceaselessly being expressed in what I call the "Presence moment." So... Until we understand our special place in the cosmic scheme of things, we can never really know the true nature of our highest possibilities, let alone be…
Today’s Brilliance from Murray Grossan
I would encourage all to use inspiration as a means of achieving a stress free life of achievement. A person, free of stress chemicals, who is creative, is in the very best state of existence, both health wise and emotionally. Reduce Stress Hormones Fact: Stress hormones age a person, shunt glycogen from the brain, and narrow blood vessels-often with severe circulatory consequences. A huge number of illnesses are caused by stress- let's avoid those. Fact: Free of stress hormones, natural healing and creative thoughts can be amplified. Becoming stress hormone free and creative is no different than learning a tennis…
Foundations of Well-Being
Are You Ready To Be An Entrepreneur?
People become entrepreneurs for many different reasons, some to do what they love, others to help serve people and others just to pay their bills or even live the lifestyle of their dreams. Regardless of the reason you may want to start your own business, you must realize that successful entrepreneurs are really artists. When a painter begins their masterpiece, they are looking at a blank slate. When a sculptor begins their masterpiece, they are looking at a lump of clay. What separates the master painter and master sculptor from the rest of the crowd is that they see opportunity…
We are called to love – it is our home.
From Absolute Love Publishing Creator Caroline A. Shearer in Love Like God: Embracing Unconditional Love