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BrillianceDare To Be You

BrillianceDare To Be You

Be who you are. Don’t try to mimic anyone else. Be uniquely you, because (and this is quite amazing) there is no one else in this world exactly like you…

BrillianceYou Are The Journey

BrillianceYou Are The Journey

What if we have had it all wrong? What if you are not on a journey and have never been? What if there is no end destination? What if one…

BlogBouncing with Style: Better Boundaries

BlogBouncing with Style: Better Boundaries

Yesterday I read a book about boundaries. Why? I had to for one of my upcoming shows.  Much to my delight, I started understanding what that bandied-about term meant in…

BrillianceMaking the World a Better Place

BrillianceMaking the World a Better Place

Understand that YOU were born into this world to make a difference by giving back to others in some way. When you share your gifts with the world, you begin to…

BlogSchool of HP: Take a Breath… (Poem)

BlogSchool of HP: Take a Breath… (Poem)

Every day is filled with choices What to eat or how to dress, Everywhere we turn – are voices Re-defining our success. Heads are full of information Thoughts are flying…

BrillianceAll Is Welcome

BrillianceAll Is Welcome

Some of the most important things to me are… To be authentic. Just be yourself, love yourself, and everyone else will love you. When we love ourselves it spills over and…

BrillianceJust Be… A Timeless Treasure

BrillianceJust Be… A Timeless Treasure

While mystics, philosophers and seekers of truth have been pondering this for thousands of years... the mystery of life was unceremoniously revealed to me one Saturday afternoon.. What began as…

BlogAn Open Heart Heals

BlogAn Open Heart Heals

The willingness to meet whatever is showing up in our lives takes courage.  Did you know that the root for the word courage means “of the heart”?   It takes…

BlogMy Gratitude List

BlogMy Gratitude List

Every morning I sit outside on my high-floor terrace in South Florida, sip my coffee, and read an uplifting pamphlet or two. Then I write out my day’s schedule. Too…

BlogDo You See What You’re Missing?

BlogDo You See What You’re Missing?

My eyesight, or lack thereof, has always taught me lessons. Back in 2008 and in my recent book, From Type A to Type Me: How to Stop “Doing” Life and…

BlogAs Is, I’m Here

BlogAs Is, I’m Here

During a weekend recently three big challenges came up for me and and I used one of my favorite mantras over and over again, “As Is, I’m Here.”  Saying “As Is” reminds…

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are a part of your journey home – back to yourself and back to Life – instead of feeling…

BlogWelcome Yourself Exactly As You Are

BlogWelcome Yourself Exactly As You Are

Welcoming means accepting yourself exactly as you are and also accepting life exactly as it unfolds. It is the ability to allow all of it, including all the parts of yourself…

BrillianceLetting Your Inner Sun Out

BrillianceLetting Your Inner Sun Out

We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are,…

BrillianceFrom Survive to Thrive

BrillianceFrom Survive to Thrive

What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that…

BlogMilestones… or Memories?

BlogMilestones… or Memories?

I've observed a theme throughout life, as I reached adolescence and beyond.  This "theme" or pattern probably begins in our 20s, and I've observed it happen time and again to people…

BrillianceAllow Today to Unfold as it Should

BrillianceAllow Today to Unfold as it Should

Embrace what is. Let go of any notion of what should be. You believe in the power of positive thought. You have learned to anchor yourself in the morning. You pray. You…

BlogAn Invitation For The New Year

BlogAn Invitation For The New Year

It's that time of the year again…that time when you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and decide how you want your life to be in the new year. We call…

BrillianceYou Have a Choice

BrillianceYou Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of…

BlogHow to Achieve Ultimate Success

BlogHow to Achieve Ultimate Success

The ultimate success has nothing to do with money... Or career. It's not the car you drive. The size of your home. The gold and diamonds you collected. The ultimate…

BrillianceBe Yourself and Be Free

BrillianceBe Yourself and Be Free

If the Truth we all seek, whatever that may be, is to be found at the top of a hill, how can you find the direct route, the clearest path?…

BlogHow To Be Held By The Earth

BlogHow To Be Held By The Earth

Spring has arrived, and I invite you to take some time in this magical season to truly connect with the Earth. You are the Earth. Your bones are made out…

BlogFlowing With The River Of Life

BlogFlowing With The River Of Life

Imagine walking through the woods when suddenly you begin to hear the sounds of running water. The sound touches you like music. It calls to you. Then imagine coming out…