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Brilliance5 Principles For A Successful Life

Brilliance5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently,…

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

BlogHow You can Find Healing that Lasts

How would your life change if you trusted that your challenges are a part of your journey home – back to yourself and back to Life – instead of feeling…

BrillianceLetting Your Inner Sun Out

BrillianceLetting Your Inner Sun Out

We’ve all felt it, walking out of yoga class, looking at the mountains, strolling by the ocean. With our attention mobilized, another dimension opens for us, just as we are,…

BrillianceFrom Survive to Thrive

BrillianceFrom Survive to Thrive

What matters is living life fearlessly from your authentic self by embracing happiness and love. You have an option in every moment. You can suffer—from worries, stress and anxieties that…

BlogMilestones… or Memories?

BlogMilestones… or Memories?

I've observed a theme throughout life, as I reached adolescence and beyond.  This "theme" or pattern probably begins in our 20s, and I've observed it happen time and again to people…

Recommended ProductsCare to Measure Your Happiness Level?

Recommended ProductsCare to Measure Your Happiness Level?

We all want to be happy right? Happiness is the goal behind all goals… But how much time do we actually focus on how happy we are and increasing our happiness? None right… We just do things to make ourselves happy… However, what if you could measure your happiness? Do you think by you looking at it, and knowing accurately where you are on a ‘happiness scale’, that you could focus on making yourself happier… But a happiness scale… Impossible right? Well prepare to be amazed! Check out this surprisingly accurate Discovering Happiness Quiz: It’s brand new, and it’s been made by my friend Andy Shaw, who is an expert at helping people maximize their level of performance in life. Trust me this is no normal quiz… I just took it myself. I liked it so much I downloaded the detailed report.

Click here to take this free Discovering Happiness Quiz now.

Recommended Products[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

Recommended Products[Free Gift] Five Chapters of a MIND-BLOWING book!

How do you feel about getting more out of life than you currently do? Can I ask you if you’ve found it harder than you thought it would be to achieve all you’ve wanted in life? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a simple way you could learn to think that made it easier to succeed and get what you want, than it was to struggle and eventually fail… Can you imagine it being easier to succeed than to fail? Too good to be true isn’t it? Well not if the way it’s taught is completely different to anything else you’ve tried before… Please don’t misunderstand me, the techniques you are about to learn are similar, maybe even the same. But what’s different is the way it is taught and the way you learn. If you’d like to try ‘something very different’ for yourself… Check out for free the first five chapters of my friend Andy Shaw’s book

Creating A Bug Free Mind

BrillianceYou Have a Choice

BrillianceYou Have a Choice

At all times, you have a choice. Life is not happening to you. It's happening for you, and mostly because of you. But no matter what is occurring outside of…

BlogHow to Achieve Ultimate Success

BlogHow to Achieve Ultimate Success

The ultimate success has nothing to do with money... Or career. It's not the car you drive. The size of your home. The gold and diamonds you collected. The ultimate…

BlogFind Your Momentum

BlogFind Your Momentum

Momentum. If you're like me, the word itself gives you a feeling of movement, of freedom, of possibility. And if you find momentum to be foundational to your existence, you…

BrillianceYou are a Child of the Universe

BrillianceYou are a Child of the Universe

The Nei Jing, a classical Chinese medicine text written several thousands of years ago, states: “Men are born on the Earth, but Life itself is held in the hands of…

BrillianceHappiness is a Choice

BrillianceHappiness is a Choice

Here’s what I know for sure, Happiness Is A Choice. There is so much more we are capable of, and through mindset and beliefs, we have the power to design…

BrillianceHow to Uniquely Create Your Impact

BrillianceHow to Uniquely Create Your Impact

Honesty, worth and love towards yourself and those within your life is what will connect you to your passion, values and unique abilities, which you deserve to share with the…

BrillianceSay Yes To Know!

BrillianceSay Yes To Know!

As an adult I am learning to assume and model a healthy way to be there for someone in need. It is not to say that psychologists and counselors have…

BrillianceHow to Be True to You

BrillianceHow to Be True to You

GRACE Taste the sweet nectar of life, allow it to fill you to the brim. And, let the joy in your heart, walk the landscape of your soul, in the…

BrillianceIn Truth We Find Peace

BrillianceIn Truth We Find Peace

Live your truth and you will be free. Because in truth you know exactly who you are, the lines of your personality, the depths and valleys of your soul, what…

BrillianceGet high on inner happiness!

BrillianceGet high on inner happiness!

"So many silly wasted years trying to find happiness in all the wrong places".  That's what I tell myself these days.  Advice to the young woman I once was (if…

BrillianceWhy Your Inner Voice Matters Most

BrillianceWhy Your Inner Voice Matters Most

Long ago I was given the privilege of access to my inner voice through painting. I managed to survive high school and college by practicing this precious gift. Yet, when…

BrillianceHow to Love Your Body

BrillianceHow to Love Your Body

Amidst all the DOING don’t bypass BEING. There is no rush. There is no need to try to fix anything in this moment. Take a deep breath. Take a second…

BlogThe Amazing Power of Gratitude

BlogThe Amazing Power of Gratitude

More and more, gratitude is being acknowledged as an amazing power for good and healing in many different areas of existence –from medicine and positive psychology to gardening and education.…

BrillianceCranky Feedback

BrillianceCranky Feedback

As a professional writer, counselor, and musician, I’ve received all kinds of feedback about my work. Most of the feedback I get is positive and supportive, and that’s part of…

BrillianceEvery FEEEEEEEEEling Is a Choice

BrillianceEvery FEEEEEEEEEling Is a Choice

Do you see life as filled with challenges?  Problems?  Obstacles?  What if you believe that only because you have been wired and programmed to believe that by your parents, schools,…

BrillianceBe Inspired By Your Life

BrillianceBe Inspired By Your Life

We often look for inspiration outside of ourselves – from gurus, celebrities, Oprah, the Royal Family, the Pope, those who are unreachable. Inspiration has always been right in front of…