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Find Your Voice; Transform Your World

We take our ability to speak for granted every day, perfecting our misuse of a tool with the power to transform our world. Each of us came here to stand for something; we came with a message to share--a song to sing. But the voice is a terribly wounded channel. We learned from a very young age that expressing ourselves was something to be controlled and censured. Many of us heard the message to "shut up", were told we couldn't sing, or that we were too loud, too inappropriate with our exuberant joy. Instead, we've learned how to manipulate others…

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Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time

Wellness in the body begins in the mind. Dina Proctor's course Transform Your Life 3 Minutes at a Time will help you start a 3x3 meditation practice (3 minutes, 3 times a day), so you can quiet your mind at will and use the technique to release weight and promote healing and wellness in your body. Over three weeks, Dina will share real-life examples and insights as well as breakdown the process step-by-step in several instructional videos. With your choice of guided audio meditations to enhance your experience each week, you'll be well on your way to releasing negative thought patterns and enhancing your mind-body connection. If you're ready to learn how the mind's focus and thought patterns can physically impact the body's wellness, this course is for you!

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You Are Not What Happens To You

Looking back on my life it's easy to see that all of it was perfect - that is, from here. It certainly didn't feel that way when I was crawling through hell to get to this side of heaven. We all have stories of pain. In fact it seems to be that very pain that points us in the direction of what we're here to do. Look closely at where you hurt because under that pain lives a purpose and a mission. Little did I know that the trauma and loss I experienced as a child and as a young…

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4 Practices for a Healthy, Happy Inner Child

I would speak about what I have learned from the angels of transparency who have inspired me throughout my life. Look inside yourself and heal your inner child. This is the part of you that you have hidden for such a long time, that you have abandoned and rejected. Doing this for myself, I felt like a new world was coming to life - like I was reborn. It felt like my skin was being regenerated somehow and that all my old issues were being healed and addressed. When we heal our inner child, then we can think of moving…

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Use Your Time Wisely… Simple Lessons for Daily Life

I would begin with the notion that time is our most precious inventory, and that the quality of our lives reflects how and where and with whom we spend it. The tragedy of modern life resides in the everyday Faustian exchange of time for false promises and trivial distraction. Free time is the only meaningful measure of a free society, and real freedom is always defined and defended by the option not to participate. As with knowledge and wisdom and peace, therefore, the path to freedom is subtractive, not additive. Things to do on a daily basis... 1. Whatever your…

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Empower Your Life with Art

Make art and have visions. That is my gift to you today. Both art and visions are deeply healing for your whole life. Make art, anything, draw, sing, dance, write a poem, and you will find out who you are what you are to do in this life. Making art will heal your trauma and wounds. It will heal you, your family, your community and the earth. I know this is true. Make art to relax and to grow. Talk to spirit each day. You will know more about yourself and the universe if you talk to spirit. Close your…

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Now… Be Human

Live in the moment, as that is all we have. It's a fearless way to live and drink of the delicious nectar of this beautiful planet. This is the most amazing time of our history to be living on this planet, especially as a woman. These are fearful times and we have the opportunity to move through our fear and embrace our sword of courage to achieve our dreams to help ourselves and help the whole world. Help our planet heal. Find your tribe and listen to your personal call to action. You may not know what that call may…

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Radical Generosity

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” – The Dalai Lama I’ve always thought of myself as a kind person. But in my fourth decade of life, I learned what true kindness is. A brain surgeon had just asked me if I would give my daughter’s vital organs to strangers. Maya, 19, had been declared brain dead and doctors had signed her death certificate. They were preparing to remove the machines keeping her heart pumping and her lungs breathing. I was frozen with grief, paralyzed by anguish I thought I would never outlive. But I heard myself say…

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Heal Your Soul, Heal Your Self

The purpose of life is to align with our I AM, which is to be who we are. Living in a pure I AM state without resistance or opposition is the highest spiritual bliss. When we divert from who we are, we get sick. The illness manifests first in the mentally unaligned thought, then can be felt emotionally, and will finally appear as physical symptoms. The body is the faithful puppy dog for the mind and will always express that something is wrong when the person is choosing to believe things that are not true. The symptoms are helpful messengers…

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