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Dare to Dream

I am sitting in a self-development workshop. The year is 1989 and I am 52 years old. The leader asks us to think of three things we'd love to do before we die and likely never will. My "Bucket List"... climb Kilimanjaro, climb the Matterhorn and see Everest Base Camp. What, I'm not a climber? Little did I know where those wishes would take me. Fast forward to May 22, 2007. It is 8:08 in the morning and I am standing at 29.035' on the top of Mt. Everest, the world's tallest mountain. Aside from two Japanese people, I am…

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Love, Trust and Forgiveness

Whether our last day on Earth or the day of our birth, love, trust and forgiveness are the essentials of life. I know that I need these three nurturing ingredients, and I know you need them too. I have found that living within a family is a magnificent gift and a loving commitment. To make the family work, each member offers the gift of being physically, emotionally and spiritually available to the other family members. As insurance, we grow a connection between us so deep and strong that love, trust and forgiveness reach across time and distance to mutually nurture…

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The Surest Guide

Do what you love. Trust it. Your passions will lead you where you ultimately want to go. It may get messy in the middle of the journey. At times it may seem you’re in the wrong place altogether. Things may get painful and stormy. But trust your heart. Time and life will prove to you that following its calling is the truest path to your greatest fulfillment and happiness. If you have a dream, a talent, a voice—if you have something inside you that wants to come out, go for it. The only thing holding you back is you. The…

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Awaken Your Inner Possibility

Walk softly upon the earth knowing that truth can only be experienced in silence. In soulful spaciousness, questions are answered, and possibility unfolds. See divinity in all that you meet, recognizing the light of the creator in all that you see. We are all connected. We are all one. Recognize that in knowing others, you are in truth being given an opportunity to know yourself. Even the most hurtful and vicious of them is you and by extending a loving hand, you are gathering up the discarded parts of your humanity. Marvel in your uniqueness and recognize it as a…

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Trust, Leap, Surrender

Perhaps the most important principles I've learned through the years are the ones that inextricably link life and creativity, the ones that keep me open to the infinite, that help me surrender to the unknowable, that push me beyond the bounds of what I can imagine. I've also learned to be open to the synchronistic and the miraculous, to the numinous and the unseen. I've learned that not everything plays out as I expect. I've learned to trust my intuition above all else...even when that intuition doesn't appear to make sense. If I were a tarot card, I'd be The…

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Trust Your Innate Intelligence

1. Say what you mean and mean what you say. I've always been able to sleep well at night because of this. Getting enough rest is essential enough to your health after all. Honesty is the best policy and if you are consistently true to your word, you are, most importantly, being honest to yourself. 2. Question Everything. Unfortunately, many do not. They do what they are told without asking or knowing why. This should not be the case when it comes to your health. Medical mistakes and assumptions are made all the time. Take control of your health by…

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Self Love Is The Answer

Having love in life is important to happiness. I'm not referring to the romantic kind of love with another person, but the inner love you have for you. Do you love yourself? Do you like yourself? Loving and liking yourself is as important to life success as the air you breathe. Having self love provides confidence in the decisions you make. It's self love that provides the trust in your own judgment, and the ability to make mistakes and admit to them, without feeling demeaned. Many of us go through our lives caught up in the external world around us. Our work…

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Trust In Your Path

Trust that your path is always perfect... That seems like a simple statement but as we know, simple is not the same as easy. Being a control freak is a well-loved tradition in my family - trying to control events, people and even the future can be exhausting. For me, learning to let go and trust the process of life has been nerve-wracking, nail-biting and ultimately, monumentally freeing. During one prolific struggle, a dear friend looked me in the eye and said, "You have to trust that your path is always perfect. It's the timing we wrestle with." Those words…

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Tell the Truth, Even When It’s Scary

I have learned nothing more deeply satisfying or life-affirming than this: The more we can discover what is true with us, the more open become the walls that constrict our souls. And when we do so out loud with a trusted friend or partner, the more permeable become the walls that separate us from each other, and the more connected we become, Soul to Soul. Lesson 1: Discover new Truth. Where we are keeping secrets from ourselves—false personalities we developed in childhood, traumas we “forgot,” truths about us we dare not think—we must work hard to not face them. Hiding…

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Your Built-In Truth Detector & How To Have It All

In life there will be doubt, in even the strongest of minds and hearts. When in doubt, trust the body to lead you through it. Hand on heart, and the other on your stomach, ask if an option you consider is right for you. The heart will warm and feel light with a yes, the stomach will shrink and feel leaden or cold for a no. Your body may differ, but it will always give you equally clear signals, of what is best for you. Don't trust what your tongue says as it makes its arguments for or against a…

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access your inner guru

3 Quick Ways to Access Your Inner Guru

While I have many teachers I am grateful for and whom I have learned priceless lessons from, I know that my own inner Guru is the most powerful teacher of all. When we begin to love and trust ourselves enough to tap into our intuition and Higher Consciousness, which has access to unlimited knowledge, we can truly begin to know and trust ourselves at a much deeper level and be the most powerful and trustworthy Guru we will ever find. There are many talented teachers, and I believe even one sentence in some cases from a teacher can in fact…

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Welcome Yourself Exactly As You Are

Welcoming means accepting yourself exactly as you are and also accepting life exactly as it unfolds. It is the ability to allow all of it, including all the parts of yourself and your life that you don’t like, and letting it all flow without getting hooked into the stories created by your mind. Welcoming is not trying to make your life any different than it is.  Easier said than done, right? I know it's not always easy to welcome and accept life, especially your challenges, because you have been conditioned to continuously judge yourself and others. This is the inner voice…

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