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Release Yourself from Family Karma

It's said we choose our families: parents, siblings, even the time and place we are born into, because our souls have determined this is where we will learn fastest on our journey of soul growth. On our journey, we face the seven karmic shadows writ into the history of all families. These shadows are: abuse, addiction, violence, poverty, illness, abandonment and betrayal. In this course, we’ll use journaling, karmic mapping, guided meditation, energy healing and shamanic ritual to heal whichever of the seven shadows are present in your family. The results of work are profound: you’ll see shifts and changes in relationships you thought would never heal.

Find out more here!

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Say Goodbye to Anxiety

Do you suffer from moments of panic, anxiety, or fear far greater than the actual threat at hand? Excessive fear has a way of taking an otherwise enjoyable day and turning it into a nightmare, and an otherwise productive life and turning it into a minefield. Excessive fear in daily life usually stems from frightening experiences we've had early on. When fear within us is unresolved, it continues to come up until we can find a way to release it. But you don't have to relive the fear, or even know where it came from, in order to let it go. You can learn to release fear naturally and safely, and that's what Max Highstein's course Say Goodbye To Anxiety is all about. If fear is a problem for you, take the first step to freedom from fear today. You choose the price for this 3 week course!

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Being Mindful in a Busy World

Remember to relax. Since meditation ultimately is relaxation, my one word of advice is: Relax. Let go. Release your grasping. Can we just surrender to life moment by moment? Surrender to what is instead of arguing that our point of view is the correct one? Remember to send loving-kindness to yourself and to the world. Once while on retreat, I had a vivid dream that Death was in my single bed with me. I struggled briefly to escape his clutches, realized it was useless, turned to face him, and knew that all I could do was love Death. He was…

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Share Your Wisdom

If everyone shared the lessons and knowledge of their lives, we could learn so much from each other, and there would be more empathy and less strife. Here is the wisdom that I’ve gained in my thirty-seven years: The color of someone’s skin or their financial status shouldn’t define how they’re treated. Someone else’s religious beliefs shouldn’t offend you if your own faith is strong. It’s easy to let drama into your life but it’s harder to get rid of it. Don’t stress out if no one else has faith in you, just have faith in your God and that’s…

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As Simple As ‘Be Happy!’

BE HAPPY! (Easier said than done right?!) When we are truly happy in the moment of life, we feel full, complete, whole and satisfied. Time stands still. Clarity is in our hearts. We LOVE life, others and ourselves. We feel good and authentic inside. And when we feel good, we do "good" in this world. We share our overflowing happiness with others, which then recycles right back to us. Our happiness is a gift to the world. So if it is that simple - BE HAPPY - why do we make it so elusive, difficult and complex to achieve? Because…

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Living Intuitively In the Present Moment

My daughter, Raegan, has taught me much on this intricate journey of ours. She has shown me how to love, believe in God, and detach from my anger, fear, and frustration. Her smile and effervescent spirit is the ideal demonstration of perfection in imperfection—she does not allow her fragile, broken body to dim the brilliant light of her soul. We have learned to embrace our world, taking each day as it comes, thankful and blessed to be together, not allowing fears of the future to interfere with our joy of the present moment. We choose to leave our feelings of…

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YOU are the Embodiment of Love!

Life is rich, filled with beautiful moments as well as difficult times. Life is a journey through the middle ground of the highs and lows, where you learn to find your sacred place of contentment. In this space of breath and awareness, you face life with a knowingness that whatever happens, this always remains true: you are strong, you are wise, you are loved and you are a beautiful person needed in this world. You have a higher purpose in life. You may bring certain qualities to everything you do, such as love, hope, faith, tranquility, abundance, truth, clarity, devotion,…

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Are You Ready to Wake Up?

Wake up! Those two words encompass an entire philosophy of life. According to the ancient seers, we are asleep, dreaming that our day-to-day world is all that is. And that who we are - who we really are - is much more than our familial and societal roles, much more than our occupation, bank account, politics, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation. More than our history as a victim or perpetrator. There's a wonderful little story about Buddha: One of his students asked him, "Are you the messiah?" "No," answered Buddha. "Then are you a healer?" "No," Buddha replied. "Then…

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Remember to Learn Your Life Lessons

It is my belief that the most important things in life are the lessons we learn while we are here. Through our passion, willingness to take risks, the assurance that it is OKAY to fail, along with deep love and heartfelt relationships, we learn the most important lessons in life. A lifetime filled with lessons is your e-ticket ride to living passionately, with a sense of unstoppability, and the deep desire to go for your dreams and chase what you love. If you are not faced with tests throughout your life, there is no way to defend and clarify what…

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Don’t Regret Your Experiences, Embrace Them!

We all have stories that make us smile and others that we prefer to forget. We all have experienced personal and professional ups and downs. This is part of the human experience and we should appreciate every moment. Do not regret the past, as difficult as that may be. The past is behind you with nothing but knowledge in its wake. You can't change the past, so why not make it an educational tool no different than when you first learned to ride a bike? Do not be disappointed or discouraged about today. Today is temporary and tomorrow is on…

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Living a Life of No Regrets

A life of purpose cannot be defined by a singular accomplishment. Each person has a unique combination of gifts and abilities that make up their contribution to the world. I highly encourage reaching for the stars, but you don't have to be a Pulitzer Prize winner to leave a legacy. Leaving a legacy and living a life with no regrets is more about embracing the lessons life teaches. It is about having the wisdom to grow, learn, expand and change when needed. So What Exactly is a Legacy? A legacy is what you leave behind for the world to remember.…

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Change Your Life With Forgiveness

We are beings of energy and light. The energy within each one of us carries a vibration that can be felt and/or sensed, with a polarity of low and high. The higher end is where we connect with spirit and our higher self along with other high vibrating energy like love, joy and abundance. The lower end is where negativity resides with anger, fear, sadness, illness and suffering. If your life does not match what you desire, raising your vibration can change it; forgiveness is the way. Life is too precious to squander our time living unhappy, angry, sad or…

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Let Go of the Past and Embrace Your True Self

We are not physical beings trying to be spiritual, we are already magnificent beings of spirit, choosing to play around with the experience of being in physical form. Experience life fully. Embrace all of life. Allow it to flow through you and manifest however it needs, no matter how unconventional that may appear. Life, energy, force, power: they are the same thing. The sensation of life flowing is sometimes alarming when you are not used to it, and most of us have been used to quelling it in an effort to appear adult and rational. Start allowing it now. Let…

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22 Steps Toward a Soulful Life

There are many things to learn. As we get older, we see how these lessons impact us, the lives of those around us, and the world we inhabit. Here are a few things I have learned in my life: 1. All forms of life are equal. This is not an optimistic hope or an idealistic dream, but the knowingness uncovered from experiencing consciousness beyond the individual mind. 2. The secret to a fulfilling life is to seek and live out your karma, aligning your personality with the inherent wisdom of the soul. Strange as it might seem – you already know.…

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Become your True Self – the Divine Spark

How can we live a full life if we don’t allow the ups and downs in our daily experience to be softened by the love that is resident deep in our heart? This fullness is possible upon discovering our real nature, a deep inner beingness that exists beyond time and space. Our true self is the divine spark within that connects to everyone and everything. It is the most beautiful aspect of humanity and we should seek it within ourselves and in others. We bring our true self forward when we are gentle and kind - even when we say…

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How to Find Financial Freedom

On the morning of New Year’s Eve, I got the news that my husband had passed away. He left me and my eleven-month old son with $3,000,000 of debt. Hearing the news I collapsed on the floor. That moment my 11 month old baby stood up on his feet for the first time, and used his tiny fingers to wipe away my tears. He lost his father, and I just lost my best friend. One day I may find a new one, but no one can ever replace his father. But he didn't think about himself, only about how to…

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Give Yourself the Permission You Need

Did someone in your past hurt you to the point where you can't let go? Were you abused as a child by a parent, guardian, or another adult? Or were you mistreated as a young adult and you're still waiting for that person to apologize for what they did? You are a beautiful, talented, and precious individual. The people you love need you here and now—100%. But it’s very possible that past experiences may be holding you back from living your dreams and being fully present for them. There’s also a chance you’re never going to get the apology you've needed for…

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Are You Ready to Dream Big?

Every day you wake up is the start of a new beginning, a second chance. You can choose how you want to spend your day – happy, sad, frustrated or angry. Are you going to follow your dreams, your passions or are you going to go through the drudgery of the day, as you have done in previous times? Dream big, really big. Follow your dreams, your heart, your passion. Make something of yourself. Why should you not? Put your dreams out to the universe and it will conspire to make them happen. Never lose sight of your dreams and…

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