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Kundalini: Ignite Your Fire & Light

Are you ready for passion and dance? To sense, feel, and embrace prosperity, joy, and health? Kundalini is the flame of life. Once ignited, it can burst your life into the song it is meant to be. This six-part e-course from Cyndi Dale and Chantal Monte will connect you to your own kundalini power source and through it, your divine spirit. When beckoned upward into the physical body, kundalini - shakti - clears the obstructions in your body, chakras, and soul, dissolving what lies between you and the future dreamed before birth. Changes occur right away, as you move through topics including chakras and kundalini, the breath, the dance of consciousness, the illusion, and the love of body. Express--love--kiss--sleep--even speak from the place of kundalini; come all the way into yourself starting with this course.

Enroll now.

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Today’s Brilliance from Marla Martenson

In our society today most people are going to a job that they hate. They put in the obligatory 40 hours per week, do the daily grind, singing the "Thank God It's Friday" song and "Oh no not another Monday morning." Many people wake up one day to realize that life has passed them by while they were at work feeling miserable. It doesn't have to be this way. Don't bury your dreams and passion in exchange for a paycheck. Unleash your creativity! Wake up to new possibilities! I am inviting you to take a new approach and unlock your…

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Live Your Truth and Change the World

Live your truth and change the world. Life is a journey in each and every form. It’s a journey to find yourself and live your truth. You find yourself through growing, learning, educating yourself, and most importantly, giving all of yourself to the world. Your truth is how you express the perception of the world you hold inside. Help others and share your gifts. Everyone has something to give, to contribute, to make an impact, and make a difference in the world. When you give enough, you will receive everything you need to live a life of happiness, abundance, and…

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Why Your Inner Voice Matters Most

Long ago I was given the privilege of access to my inner voice through painting. I managed to survive high school and college by practicing this precious gift. Yet, when real life hit, I became afraid of losing myself in my dream world and let it go. I took a more practical route. I needed to make money and start a family, and be an overall reasonable person. However, it hit me with time that a huge part of me was dying little by little. It felt like I was blindfolded while walking through the dilemmas of this world, and…

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You Can Do No Wrong

Let go of being connected to the results. Just do and be because you are inspired and passionate about what you are doing regardless of anyone else. This is how you know if you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. The most important task is to love and accept yourself. You always receive the answers to your questions. It just might not be what you were expecting. Life is like a treasure hunt. Half of the fun is figuring out the clues and overcoming the challenges to finally get to the treasure. It wouldn’t be the same if someone just handed…

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Making the Most of the Hand You’re Dealt

Life has a way of dealing each of us a deck of cards that ranges in numbers and colors. Each and every day we wake up and pull a card and the day has been defined. There are good days and great days and sad days and unhappy days; however there is one thing that is is guaranteed – you have the freedom to accept what you are dealt or you can fold. Over the course of a little more than four years, I had no idea what cards I would be dealt or that I would desperately need to find…

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Making Your Dream A Success

Every person has something special on the inside of them that is just waiting to be shared with the world. That special internal something is wrapped up in our individually unique, gifts, talent and abilities but is locked away within us. What makes our distinguishing attributes so awesome is that no other person in the world can demonstrate those qualities quite like we can. Just think for a moment, that no two human beings have the same finger prints, not even identical twins. So this means that there is something in us that adds and makes a significant contribution to…

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Your 5 Principle Framework for Life

Over forty years ago, I made an (un)fortunate career choice to enter the computer industry during its infancy. It is a brutal business that changes radically every twelve to eighteen months, has tremendous cost pressures and has huge financial rewards. It is not for the faint of heart. To survive during my career, I derived five principles that provide a broad framework for life: Disruptive change will constantly occur Live one day at a time Keep a positive attitude Do something significant Embrace the richness of life Disruptive change will constantly occur Change and disruption constantly occur. Disruptive change has…

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The Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned From Dogs

Everything I've learned so far I've learned from dogs! I love watching dogs run after seagulls on the beach. They set their sights on a flock and then are focused, single-minded, and even quite passionate about running down a bird. At the same time, they are very fulfilled in the thrill of the chase, having a tremendous amount of fun just frolicking on the beach. Going home without having caught a bird doesn't for one moment diminish their love of life. When we realize that just being alive is the gift that keeps on giving, we may pursue our own…

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An Extraordinary Life is Your Birthright

You were put on this earth to experience an extraordinary life: a life of joy, purpose and abundance. It is your birthright. The fact that so few do disturbs me greatly. As Henry David Thoreau so aptly said, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their music still in them.” I don’t want this to be you! Even if you do not believe this is possible for you at this moment, I don’t ever want you to stop searching for answers. Constantly ask yourself, “How can I live an extraordinary life? What do I…

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4 Magical Strategies for Success

Believe in Unlimited Potential As a magician, I've spent many enjoyable hours on stage, looking out at the faces of people in the audience. I think a magic performance is a powerful experience because it creates a view of a world where there are no limits. One of the things I love the most is watching people's eyes light up as they let go of their preconceptions and allow themselves to believe in this fantasy world, even if only for a few hours. Magic represents unlimited potential and unexpected possibilities -- important things for all of us to remember, believe…

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14 Ways to Increase Happiness

1. Sure, life can be tough and unfair, but don’t take it all so seriously. Think of life as a big prankster. And learn to laugh at your own expense. 2. Be your own BFF. Treat yourself the way you imagine your best friend would treat you. Especially in things you say to yourself. 3. Learn to recognize fear (it can be a tricky devil) and nip it in the bud. Monsters, like weeds, are much easier to eradicate when they're small. 4. Believe in choice. It’s always there. And if you feel like you’ve made a bad one, make…

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4 Thoughts on Igniting Personal Passion

Personal passion is the explosive flame you possess inside in the form of strong ideas, gifts and fascinations. It is this passion that propels you towards your very own unique forms of creative expression, fields of interests and adventurous curiosity. It is also your passion that drives you to push beyond obstacles and self-limitation. The question then becomes, how do we tap into this enormous power? “You Are a Walking Phenomenon” As of right now, there are over 7.1 billion people on the planet, but only one of you. Down to your very DNA you are a walking phenomenon, an…

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Create Life on Your Own Terms

Imagine a life orchestrated to complement your natural rhythms. A life where your work is your play, and your play is your life. You deserve to be happy, healthy and wealthy. You have permission to create your life on your terms. So instead of putting up with mediocrity, waiting for a knock on the door or an invitation to change, take your life's adventure to heart. The process begins here, now, today. It's time to get moving - to wake up, lift the veil of the status quo, and embrace the richness of a full life! Out of all the…

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