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You Can Do No Wrong

Let go of being connected to the results. Just do and be because you are inspired and passionate about what you are doing regardless of anyone else. This is how you know if you are fulfilling your soul’s purpose. The most important task is to love and accept yourself. You always receive the answers to your questions. It just might not be what you were expecting. Life is like a treasure hunt. Half of the fun is figuring out the clues and overcoming the challenges to finally get to the treasure. It wouldn’t be the same if someone just handed…

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The Hidden Secret of Success

You may be familiar with Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich, considered by many to be the precursor to the psychology of success programs we have today. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Hill to find out why some people are successful and others who work just as hard are not. Carnegie introduced Hill to the most successful men in the world and gave him the opportunity to question them regarding their philosophy for business and life. Hill looked for the things that made these people different from the average working person. He shares many ideas and concepts in the book but one is at the hub:…

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5 Principles For A Successful Life

There is no one all-encompassing secret that will magically transform a person into a raging success. However, there are a number of basic principles that, when followed and applied consistently, will indeed create the environment for a person to live an abundant, successful life - however one personally defines that term. Here are just a few of what I feel are the most powerful: Acknowledge things as they are, not as you wish they were. Please don’t confuse that with a lack of vision or being satisfied with the status quo, two things I strongly advise against. Just understand that…

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Become a Realistic Idealist

I'll confess that I'm an idealist at heart. I feel shy admitting this because idealism has a pretty bad reputation. Most of us think of idealists as people who dream big dreams but who don't know how to make things happen. Idealists are known for being impractical and naive. They often see the world as they would like it to be, not as it really is. But I'd like to make the case for a specific kind of idealism: Realistic Idealism. Before I get to that, I'll say with absolute conviction that anything great that has ever been accomplished has…

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Do You Have the Right Kinds of Intelligence?

I have learned that life is intelligent and moves to higher and higher orders of complexity and adaptation. And we as humans have the capacity to develop multiple types of intelligence and to adapt to the increasingly complex world we face. I grew up believing that "intelligence" was one thing - what we call IQ. I worked hard and got good grades at a really tough college. I thought that would prepare me for life. What I realized by my late 20s was that there were other forms of intelligence that mattered a whole lot. Specifically, we also need emotional…

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Being Mindful in a Busy World

Remember to relax. Since meditation ultimately is relaxation, my one word of advice is: Relax. Let go. Release your grasping. Can we just surrender to life moment by moment? Surrender to what is instead of arguing that our point of view is the correct one? Remember to send loving-kindness to yourself and to the world. Once while on retreat, I had a vivid dream that Death was in my single bed with me. I struggled briefly to escape his clutches, realized it was useless, turned to face him, and knew that all I could do was love Death. He was…

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4 Principles To Create a Magnificent Life

I made the most life-changing discovery of my life when I was 20 years old. I began to realize to fully grasp the fact that our thoughts and emotions are physical in the universe. I began to realize that time and time again, the thoughts and emotions that I was experiencing the most frequently were directly dictating how my life played out before me. When I made this realization, I had the "AH-HA" moment that I had complete control over how my life would transpire until I left this consciousness. It was one thing to understand this on an intellectual…

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Making the Most of the Hand You’re Dealt

Life has a way of dealing each of us a deck of cards that ranges in numbers and colors. Each and every day we wake up and pull a card and the day has been defined. There are good days and great days and sad days and unhappy days; however there is one thing that is is guaranteed – you have the freedom to accept what you are dealt or you can fold. Over the course of a little more than four years, I had no idea what cards I would be dealt or that I would desperately need to find…

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5 Daily Habits for a Bountiful Life

Here are five things to believe in for a bountiful life in the human community; five life habits that if considered daily, you can’t help enrich your existence. One: Truly listen. Look in the eyes of others and be in the moment. Wait to speak. Take in the words they offer and savor them before reacting. You might call this “the patience of thought.” You cannot honestly connect with another living thing if you are only considering your own response. Understand your fellow human and you will understand yourself. Two: Be kind. Consider your fellow human being’s experience, background, personal,…

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You Are Not What Happens To You

Looking back on my life it's easy to see that all of it was perfect - that is, from here. It certainly didn't feel that way when I was crawling through hell to get to this side of heaven. We all have stories of pain. In fact it seems to be that very pain that points us in the direction of what we're here to do. Look closely at where you hurt because under that pain lives a purpose and a mission. Little did I know that the trauma and loss I experienced as a child and as a young…

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Why Life ISN’T Unfair

Life isn't unfair... it is always fair! Now, I can imagine the tremendous leap of faith that embracing this premise might require. We've all posed the question: "Why me? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can a good God allow such injustices to occur?" None of us is immune to seemingly negative occurrences, but life's events become calamities only if we make the conscious decision to make tragedies out of them. The storms in one's life, while they have the potential of creating incapacitating turbulence in the mind, do not have to. We might just as easily…

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Bob Urichuck

Disciplined For Life: You are the Author of Your Future

Discipline is defined as a commitment to the most important person in the world. It means doing what you have to do, even when you don't want to do it. Any behaviour that gets recognized and/or rewarded gets repeated. To be disciplined for life requires that you recognize and reward yourself accordingly. So let's start with the first question: who is the most important person in the world? While you are at it, who is your greatest enemy? It is fair to say that you came into this world as a miracle. Then what happened? You got exposed to the…

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Accept the Real You

Strive to be all you, all the time. Be the Nancyest of Nancys or the Janest of Janes or the Billyest of Billys. Are you so busy wearing masks that you've lost touch with your authentic core? Don't judge the real YOU. Just OWN it, love it, express it, BE it. Change can be scary as hell, but it can also be transforming. Go with the flow of the Universe and be willing to allow change into your life, even when it feels uncomfortable. How would you live if you took fear out of the equation? Are the fears you…

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Live Your Life as if Your Body Were Perfect

Over the years, I have both loathed and loved my body. I have found that loving my body is much, much better. So I made a decision to love my body, not in spite of imagined flaws or ways that it deviates from the media ideal of what a body should look like, but rather because it is mine and it is perfect. I spent decades putting my life on hold—waiting to achieve an acceptably, socially, skinny body. I didn’t lose any weight (at least not permanently). All I lost was a few decades. So one day I made a…

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The One Absolute Certainty in Life

The two past consecutive weekends, I had to travel down to my village for the funerals of two of my very dear cousins. This experience had a profound impact on me and brought me down to earth, literally, as I further realized the futility of this life. It was a wakeup call and a reminder about what mattered most as we go through this journey called life. I have come to appreciate these long road trips to funerals as they allow me a time for deep meditation and assessment of my life and help me to think more about this…

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You Are The Journey

What if we have had it all wrong? What if you are not on a journey and have never been? What if there is no end destination? What if one tiny shift in perception and attitude could lead to full radiance, illumination and brilliance? Here it is... You are not on a journey... YOU ARE THE JOURNEY. Have you bought into an idea that you are here to reach something, set goals, live out an agenda and attain status? Do you create intentions and repeat affirmations? Are you running forward, trying to escape the things that are behind you, aspiring…

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Your Greatest Responsibility

Perhaps the most important thing I have learned in this extraordinary life is that we are responsible for our own happiness. It is not determined by anything outside of ourselves even though it often appears to be. The rich can be miserable ("Oh, I'm so unhappy. I wanted Johnson to drive me to Tiffany's in the Lamborghini but now I have to go in the stupid Rolls. How awful.") And the poor can be joyful ("Ah, there is enough food for the whole family this year. We are so blessed.") With that reality we have tremendous power; we can stop…

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Love Yourself, Love Your Life

Loving and believing in yourself is the key to thriving abundantly. When you love yourself—unconditionally—your mindset shifts to the energy of love and abundance. It enables you to have more peace, confidence, and happiness which empowers you. When you feel powerful, your attitude changes from pessimism to optimism, and, you will attract more uplifting people and experiences in your life. To have self-love, appreciate who you really are. You are much more than your physical self. You are a magnificent spiritual being within. Your true essence is that of pure, positive energy, love, and light! You are of infinite worth.…

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Start Living Your Best Life Today

Life is a wonderful journey to be embraced. Each day has the potential to uncover a new adventure if we condition our minds to look for the positives. My last words to humanity would be to love more, do more, be more, risk more…do all those positive things people said you wouldn’t be successful doing. Life is a one-way ticket. It is by experiencing every single opportunity that we find our destiny and live our best lives. There are dreams unrealized. Goals left unchecked. Visions that have all but dissipated. However, if we still hold a kindle of fire in our hearts…

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7 Thoughts to Keep You Inspired

Life is an internal job. Our external life mirrors the condition of our internal self. Emotional health determines our perceptions and influences our choices. Unresolved emotions tend to manifest themselves as turmoil in our external lives. To achieve the external harmony we desire, we need to first achieve internal harmony. Internal harmony can be achieved through engaging in spirituality, meditation or talk therapy to identify and resolve negative emotions. Accept what you can and can’t control. Life happens to everyone. Life’s experiences, whether good or bad, are here to serve as a catalyst for growth. Frustrations arise from our desire to control…

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Follow Your Yellow Brick Road – Embrace Your Uniqueness

Embrace Your Uniqueness. Embrace the good and bad of yourself. Let yourself shine to the world and share your gifts. Each one of us on this planet is here to help another. Why hide your gifts from the world when you are what is needed. Embrace all that is a part of you and let the world see you. You wouldn’t be here otherwise. Accept all that is a part of you. Your wisdom is just as important as mine. We each have something different to share. Something unique within each person that no two people are alike. Take what…

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